4단계 BK21 사업 성과

[이상영 교수 연구실] Why Cellulose‐Based Electrochemical Energy Storage Devices?

글쓴이 : 관리자
등록일 : 2021-03-19 13:14:31       조회 : 149



ABSTRACT: Recent findings demonstrate that cellulose, a highly abundant, versatile, sustainable, and inexpensive material, can be used in the preparation of very stable and flexible electrochemical energy storage devices with high energy and power densities by using electrodes with high mass loadings, composed of conducting composites with high surface areas and thin layers of electroactive material, as well as cellulose‐based current collectors and functional separators. Close attention should, however, be paid to the properties of the cellulose (e.g., porosity, pore distribution, pore‐size distribution, and crystallinity). The manufacturing of cellulose‐based electrodes and all‐cellulose devices is also well‐suited for large‐scale production since it can be made using straightforward filtration‐based techniques or paper‐making approaches, as well as utilizing various printing techniques. Herein, the recent development and possibilities associated with the use of cellulose are discussed, regarding the manufacturing of electrochemical energy storage devices comprising electrodes with high energy and power densities and lightweight current collectors and functional separators.


논문정보: Advanced Materials, 20000892 (2020)

Published: 18 June 2020

DOI: 10.1002/adma.202000892

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