4단계 BK21 사업성과

4단계 BK21 사업성과

[조정호 교수 연구실] Artificial stimulus-response system capable of conscious response

  • 날짜 2021.06.14
  • 조회수 38

ABSTRACT : A stimulus-response system and conscious response enable humans to respond effectively to environmental changes and external stimuli. This paper presents an artificial stimulus-response system that is inspired by human conscious response and is capable of emulating it. The system is composed of an artificial visual receptor, artificial synapse, artificial neuron circuits, and actuator. By incorporating these artificial nervous components, a series of conscious response processes that markedly reduces response time as a result of learning from repeated stimuli are demonstrated. The proposed artificial stimulus-response system offers the promise of a new research field that would aid the development of artificial intelligence–based organs for patients with neurological disorders.


논문정보 : Science Advances, 2021 Vol.7, no.15
Published : 09 April 2021
DOI : 10.1126/sciadv.abe3996

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