4단계 BK21 사업성과

4단계 BK21 사업성과

[조정호 교수 연구실] Wafer-scale transistor arrays fabricated using slot-die printing of molybdenum disulfide and sodium-embedded alumina

  • 날짜 2024.07.22
  • 조회수 30

Abstract:  Two-dimensional materials made via solution processing could be used to create next-generation electronic devices at scale. However,
existing solution processing methods typically have a trade-of between scalability and material quality, which makes them unsuitable
for practical applications. Here we show that wafer-scale arrays of molybdenum-disulfde-based transistors can be fabricated using a
commercial slot-die printing process. We create inks of molybdenum disulfde nanosheets and sodium-embedded alumina for printing of the
semiconductor and gate dielectric layer, respectively. The transistors exhibit average charge carrier mobilities of 80.0 cm2
 V−1 s−1 in feld-efect transistor measurements and 132.9 cm2  V−1 s−1 in Hall measurements at room temperature. The high charge carrier mobility is attributed to the
sodium-embedded alumina gate dielectric, which causes a band-like charge carrier transport in the molybdenum-disulfde-nanosheet-based thin-flm
networks. We use the transistors to create various logic gates, including NOT, NOR, NAND and static random-access memory.

논문정보:  Nature Electronics, 6, 443-450
Published:  June 8, 2023
DOI:  doi.org/10.1038/s41928-023-00971-7

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