
김대우교수님 사진

학위 degrees

B.S. in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST, 2009
Ph.D. in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST, 2015

교수과목 lecture

학부: 반응공학, 공업유기화학

연락처 contact

전화: 82-2-2123-2745
E-mail: audw1105@yonsei.ac.kr
연구실: https://sites.google.com/view/dwlab - GS칼텍스 산학협력관 309호

교수님 소개 introdution

김대우 교수님은 현재 환경 및 에너지 분야에 쓰이는 박막 소재 및 응용에 관한 연구를 수행하고 있으며, 경력사항은 아래와 같다.
■ Research Associate in University of Minnesota, Chemical Engineering, 2017. 2. ~ 2018. 8. (advisor: Prof. Michael Tsapatsis)
■ President’s PostDoctoral Fellow (Korea, Republic of), 2015. 11. ~ 2019. 2.
■ Postdoc in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST, 2015. 3. ~ 2015. 10.

주요연구 과제 research

Prof. Kim is interested in implementing high-performance energy devices based on new materials and developing them for practical and industrial applications. We believe that the structure of material is a key to make innovation in various fields. Our work is at the edge of multi-disciplines including new material synthesis, structure control, interface phenomena, separation science, crystal structure elucidation, and scale-up.

주요논문 papers

1. “Direct visualization of large-area graphene domains and boundaries by optical birefringency”, Dae Woo Kim, Yun Ho Kim, Hyeon Su Jeong and Hee-Tae Jung, Nature Nanotechnology 7, 29-34 (2012)
2. “Enhanced stability of laminated graphene oxide membranes for nanofiltration via interstitial amide bonding” Yoon Tae Nam, Junghoon Choi, Kyoung Min Kang, Dae Woo Kim and Hee-Tae Jung ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 8, 27376 (2016)
3. “Enhanced water permeation based on nanoporous multilayer graphene membrane: the role of pore size and density” Dae Woo Kim, Jung Hoon Choi, Dae Ok Kim and Hee-Tae Jung, J. Mater. Chem. A 4, 17773 (2016)
4. "Polydopamine-Graphene Oxide Flame Retardant Nanocoating Applied via an Aqueous Liquid Crystalline Scaffold” Hanim Kim, Dae Woo Kim, Vivek Vasagar, Heonjoo Ha, Sergei Nazarenko and Christopher J. Ellison, Advanced Functional Materials 28(39), 1803172 (2018)
교육연구단소개 찾아오시는길

(우)03722 서울시 서대문구 연세로 50 연세대학교 제1공학관 S606호 화공생명공학 BK21 미래선도형 글로벌 화공교육연구단
TEL : +82-2-2123-8232 / FAX : +82-2-312-6401

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