4단계 BK21 사업 성과

[조정호 교수 연구실] Sensing with MXenes: Progress and Prospects

글쓴이 : 관리자
등록일 : 2021-06-14 14:38:39       조회 : 210


ABSTRACT : Various fields of study consider MXene a revolutionary 2D material. Particularly in the field of sensors, the metal‐like high electrical conductivity and large surface area of MXenes are desirable characteristics as an alternative sensor material that can transcend the boundaries of existing sensor technology. This critical review provides a comprehensive overview of recent advances in MXene‐based sensor technology and a roadmap for commercializing MXene‐based sensors. The existing sensors are systematically categorized as chemical, biological, and physical sensors. Each category is then classified into various subcategories depending on the electrical, electrochemical, structural, or optical sensing mechanism, which are the four fundamental working mechanisms of sensors. Representative structural and electrical approaches for boosting the performance of each category are presented. Finally, factors that hinder commercializing MXene‐based sensors are discussed, and several breakthroughs in realizing commercially available MXene‐based sensors are suggested. This review provides broad insights pertaining to previous and existing MXene‐based sensor technology and perspectives on the future generation of low‐cost, high‐performance, and multimodal sensors for soft‐electronics applications.


논문정보 : Advanced Materials, 2021

Published : 03 May 2021

DOI: 10.1002/adma.202005846

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